Source code for utility

This module contains various small utility functions, that don't really belong anywhere else
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Union, List
import logging
import math
import mathutils
import bpy
import os
import re

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

BlenderObject = Union[bpy.types.Object, bpy.types.Collection]

[docs]def vector_compare(a: mathutils.Vector, b: mathutils.Vector, epsilon: float = 0.0000001) -> bool: """Compares two vectors elementwise, to see if they are equal The function will run through the elements of vector a and compare them with vector b elementwise. If the function reaches a set of values not within epsilon, it will return immediately. Args: a: The first vector b: The second vector epsilon: The absolute tolerance to which the elements should be within Returns: True if the vectors are elementwise equal to the precision of epsilon Raises: TypeError: If the vectors aren't vectors with equal length """ if len(a) != len(b) or not isinstance(a, mathutils.Vector) or not isinstance(b, mathutils.Vector): raise TypeError("Both arguments must be vectors of equal length!") for idx in range(0, len(a)): if not math.isclose(a[idx], b[idx], abs_tol=epsilon): return False return True
[docs]def as_fs_relative_path(filepath: str): """Checks if a filepath is relative to the FS data directory Checks the addon settings for the FS installation path and compares that with the supplied filepath, to see if it originates from within that. Args: filepath: The filepath to check Returns: The $data replaced filepath, if applicable, or a cleaned up version of the supplied filepath Todo: This should check if the addon path is actually set to something Todo: This should be rewritten to use `pathlib <>`_ instead of just strings """ logger.debug(f"Original filepath: {filepath}") filepath_clean = os.path.normpath(bpy.path.abspath(filepath)) # normpath cleans up stuff such as '../' logger.debug(f"Cleaned filepath: {filepath_clean}") fs_data_path = os.path.normpath( bpy.path.abspath( bpy.context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences.fs_data_path)) logger.debug(f"FS data path: {fs_data_path}") try: if fs_data_path != '': path_to_return = '$data' + filepath_clean[filepath_clean.index(fs_data_path) + len(fs_data_path):] logger.debug(f"Fs relative path: {path_to_return}") return path_to_return else: raise ValueError except ValueError: return filepath_clean
[docs]def sort_blender_objects_by_name(objects: List[BlenderObject]) -> List[BlenderObject]: return sorted(objects, key=lambda x:
""" Blenders outliner does not follow a stricly lexographical ordering, but rather what is called a "natural" ordering. This function implements the same ordering as per, with the use of a regex as detailed in this answer on stackoverflow """
[docs]def sort_blender_objects_by_outliner_ordering(objects: List[BlenderObject]) -> List[BlenderObject]: return sorted(objects, key=lambda s: [int(t) if t.isdigit() else t.lower() for t in re.split('(\d+)',])